I've been afraid to post this blog for a while now because I didn't want to step on toes. I didn't want to make you uncomfortable or lose a bunch of followers after today because of what I am about to say, but there comes a time when you write what God tells you to write if you want to keep writing at all. So sit back, put on your seat belts, cause this isn't going to be like "Driving Miss Daisy," its going to be more like a bumper car ride I have a feeling!
Take a look at yourself....
Are you the woman in the bible study that sits in her "assigned spot" and looks down her nose at every new woman that enters the room? Maybe you are the worship leader that only lets your "certain few" be a part of the services because you are afraid of being shown up. Perhaps you are the lady that preaches goodness and love, but is the biggest gossip to come into the deep south in the last century. It could be that you are that woman that on the outside you are all God and prayers, but every time someone comes for advice you treat them as if they are not as "Godly" as you in a secretly condescending way. It could also be that you've become a lazy, hidden in your comfort zone, "I'll only do what is comfortable God" kind of Christian. Whatever it is, it is time to take a long hard look at your walk with the Prince of Glory cause for some of you, its not what He had planned for you at all.
The "image" of Christ...
I have a major problem with the "Christian" image of late. I can imagine God dislikes hypocrisy as much as I do, but if I were a betting woman I'd probably say He dislikes it way beyond what I understand. God is pure truth and I'm just a poor measly sinner who has no idea what real Godly truth is, so trust me hypocrisy means a very different thing to the God of the Universe than it does to me, but neither opinion is good. I really can't say how God feels about the way so many Christians are living today, but I do know what I see and it isn't pretty. I know what God teaches in the bible, and I have an example in Jesus the perfect Son of God, and believe me what you are doing in some of your churches and groups is so far away from the truth of God that you literally follow that "wolf in sheep's clothing" definition perfectly. You want to know why people run from churches? Want to know why the drug addict prostitute would rather run into the arms of the devil than God? Because of US! We have started to think that because we are "God's chosen" we are "God's gift" to the world. But we are so dead wrong! God's gift to the world was Jesus Christ. The example of everything we are supposed to be as Christians, but fail so miserably at. I left a church because I felt a calling on my heart from God, but because I wasn't one of the "women's leaders" I didn't have a right to speak my voice. I tried again and again to follow God's leading in that church and time after time pride, arrogance, and being stuck in a rut kept it squashed down. So I stopped going to church. I decided I didn't need it. I had been a christian for 20 years, and I left God because of people. So how do you think that woman who's been the "harlot" or idol worshiper is going to feel in your "holier than thou" presence? I can tell you exactly how she will feel. Ashamed, unloved, and unworthy of God, and YOU will be the reason she feels that way. Cause it sure isn't God that will ever make her feel like that. But friends listen to me very closely, she will NEVER know the love of God without us showing it to her. We have to be Christ for her. We have to love her in spite of the dirt, grime, and filth of her sin. Remember loves, you are no better. You are no more clean and no mightier than her. Jesus Christ carried your sin on His cross just the same as hers. Remember those stripes across His perfect flesh...the blows that took away your sin were no less painful than the blows He took for her. You might wear prettier clothes, have a "perfect" life, and have more money, but I promise you without God in your life you are just as ugly as you think she is.
Attitudes have to change...
It is time to stop acting like being a Christian makes us better. It is more of a sin to KNOW what you are doing is wrong and keep doing it over and over than to not know at all. You cannot be a half way Christian in this day and age any longer. You have to give it all or just not give at all. God doesn't want just the parts you want to give to Him. He wants every minute detail of you. He knows the very number of hairs on your head and He wants to be in control of every single wind that blows through those strands. God is moving in big ways. He is coming to take His bride home sooner than you think. It is TIME to stop pretending to live a life of faith and start doing it. You want to be used for God? Then stand up for Him. Live for Him. Take a stand and say, "I will no longer live my life as if what Jesus did for me on the cross wasn't good enough." He DIED for you. He suffered. He went through unimaginable pain and separation from His Father for us, and we throw it aside every single time we treat others as if we are better than them. Do not be the man that judged the woman for washing Jesus' feet with her hair. Instead get down on your knees and wash them WITH HER! It is no longer OK to just sit back and live your life the way you are. You cannot have your cake and eat it too. Jesus needs us to embrace His life and His word. We are the soldiers readying for the battle against an enemy that wants us to live the way we are now. I've been down that road. I've followed the enemy's wicked manipulations and I will NO longer. Are you with me or do you need to just get out of God's way? Do not let your judgmental attitude, your fears of new ideas, and your close minded ways keep God from doing His work in someone you know. If you are too afraid to be the person God needs you to be then you need to tell Him to work on your heart before you continue down this path any longer.
Our lives impact the future...
My friends it is time to bury ourselves in the Word made flesh. To embrace everything wonderful and Holy about God and LIVE it every single day. We are the leaders of this world as women. We raise the future generations. Just think.... If you are raising sons you are raising soldiers for the General of the mightiest army ever known to the Universe. Don't you want them prepared for battle? Do not let them go into battle with the prince of the earth without their armor. It is YOUR job to prepare them. And if you have daughters, you are raising the next generation of Mothers. The teachers, intercessors, and lovers of the next group of warriors. Take heart in how you live your life. You are teaching them through your actions more than through your words. It is time to be more than what we have been, and it is time to become what God has created us to be!
Until next time, Love is the Change. The Change is You, and God is the Love.
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