Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Do you ever?

One of those days...
You ever just wake up in one of those moods that is like, "You know what Satan, I'm so not in the mood for your mess today, and if you wanna fight then bring it on!"? Man, I woke up like that today, and I swear if he wants to mess with me today I will help God knock him back a few notches. Sometimes I just get so tired of the stuff he tries to put into my head. The insecurities, the doubts, worries, and fears that he wants to use to overcome me and take away from my life. I hate it when he does that. The more that I learn about myself, and the stronger I become the more I hate it. I realize how easily our human minds are manipulated and it infuriates me to no end. I am  God's creation. I am strong, beautiful, and loving. I am working hard and doing things that most people are afraid of doing. I am not boasting or trying to say I'm better, I am just stating the facts of the last year. A year ago today was the WORST day of my life, and tomorrow was the best. My world fell apart and my life started over in two days. But I worked my way out of my valley with God. I did the work. I cried the tears. I felt the guilt, shame, and desperation. I appologized, and begged for forgiveness. I rebuilt relationships, and started new ones. I did those things with Christ, not anyone else. ME. So yes I'm proud of that. I survived something terrible, and difficult, and I won! I know that is why he is attacking me today. I know it. But this time, I'm not having it. I refuse to be a puppet any longer! I am better than that. I am better than him. I don't deserve to feel this way. I am God's, and I am worth more. So today, I am celebrating my love for God. I am going to treasure the little things, and Satan can just go find someone else to mess with today. I'm finished with his games. No more... not today, not tomorrow. I'm done.
Praise God!

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